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Our Impact

Touching lives, leaving a loving imprint.

Some of our impact is measurable; some is beyond measure.

The greatest gift we receive for the work we do is in witnessing the positive change that occurs in peoples’ lives. Some of our impact is measurable, some is beyond measure. We will likely never know the total effect our programs and services provide, but we rest in the knowledge that we are doing the Lord’s work. Touching lives and leaving a loving imprint.

We Reduce Recidivism (Rearrests)

According to a Department of Justice analysis of recidivism, nationally 44% of formerly incarcerated people were rearrested within one year of their release. Within 10 years, that number is 82%!

Our programs and services have proven to dramatically reduce recidivism in Union County (only county for which we have historical data).

These incredible results have led Union County to continually allocate budgets to provide staff to to solidify these efforts. In fact, during the 2014 – 2018 period, SCM’s programming has saved Union County an estimated $1.87 million on those who have come through our program and not returned to jail!

We Reach Hundreds of Lives Each Year

We Improve Lives

The truest measure of our impact comes directly from the hearts of the people we have touched (our clients).

“SCM had been there for me at a time when I was lost and showed me the light.” ~ Chris Dukes, Life Skills Participant
“There was something missing in my life, and Safer Communities, Jesus Christ, Celebrate Recovery and Shine were what was needed.” ~ Danielle Crompton, SCM Client
“I learned the Lord lets us make choices. And I wasn’t going to live in that victim mentality anymore. And I knew I wanted to help people.” ~ Jesilyn Strawn, SCM Client, Currently working at Solus Christus, Rehab Safehouse for women in addiction
“I should never have had to witness what I saw as a child. Through the Shine Program, it’s given me a better outlook on life.” ~ Peyton Moffett, Shine Program Participant