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Addiction Recovery Program

Renewing Hope

Addiction is an insidious disease that has reached epidemic proportions. The disease involves complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences. Sadly, addicts often commit crimes that lead to their incarceration.

Overcoming addiction is rarely done alone. This kind of healing usually requires supervised medical oversight during detoxification, ongoing peer support, and unconditional love from others—champions in their corner to walk with them during their recovery journey.

At SCM, we want to be those champions. We offer support to inmate addicts both while incarcerated and after they are released. We connect them with the Celebrate Recovery program, treatment centers, and our many compassionate community partners:

The American Medical Association (AMA) officially declared addiction to be a medical disease in May, 1987.

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery (CR) combines the Alcoholics Anonymous’ 12-step program with a similar set of 8 principles that are understood as a lesson of Jesus’ Beatitudes. The uplifting curriculum is designed to address any “hurts, habits, or hang-ups” and to help guide addicts toward sustainable recovery and healing.

We offer Celebrate Recovery Inside sessions in the jail system, and we connect ex-offenders with CR meetings within Anson and Union counties.

Find a list of local Celebrate Recovery Meetings here.

The Legacy Dream Center

In the near future, we will open the Legacy Dream Center, which will be a faith-based place that addresses the multifaceted community challenges that stem from addiction related issues. This center will service the communities of Anson, Union, Stanly, and Montgomery. Among other services, the Center will host weekly Celebrate Recovery, Celebration Place/Landing, Alcoholics Anonymous, and Narcotics Anonymous meetings.

Learn more about the Legacy Dream Center here.

Recovery, Reentry & Family Services Referral Center of Anson County

In late Fall, 2024 Safer Communities Ministry opened the Recovery, Reentry, and Family Services Referral Center of Anson County (also known as the Recovery Resource Center). This facility will be an avenue through which Anson County residents can gain access to free, community-based, multiagency resources for the treatment of substance abuse disorders. The Referral Center will also provide guidance and resources for leading healthy lifestyles, physical and mental health care services, permanent housing, and employment services.

Our highly trained, qualified, caring staff will take a total-person, holistic approach while working one-on-one with everyone who comes to the Center for help. This 360-degree approach ensures that all the individuals’ needs are identified and can be referred to the appropriate supportive services to meet those needs.

The Recovery Resource Center is located at 2290 U.S. 74, Wadesboro, NC, across from Atrium Health. 

Reach out to us at (910) 674-3010.